Thank you for speaking Isaiah 10:1-2 to our legislators. The United States, the wealthiest nation on earth, has the highest child poverty rate among prosperous nations. The deep sin of hunger as a deliberate public policy is not something God will ignore. Hunger and poverty are not pro-life values.

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And shall we talk about the lives of those precious children who were ‘saved’, despite the age, health, or social situation of the mom? ProLife? Ha! Let them be born so I can get votes…then they can starve on the street. Disgusting hypocrites.

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It is beyond belief that our elected representatives- who are supposed to speak for us -are clueless about the needs of the poor in their own communities. Or maybe they just don’t care. May God judge them accordingly.

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Thank you for this critical work, Jim. Connecting the dots between these tax credits and childhood poverty is a huge issue. Your post reminds me that we can tell the soul of a society based on how it treats its young and its old.

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