Thanks, Jim. All of this needed to be said.

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Yes, the Republican response to the vicious assault on Speaker Pelosi’s husband is despicable, as is their continued support for the lie that Trump won in 2020.

As a Christian, I’m also deeply disturbed by the silence of many Christians opposed to Christian nationalism but afraid of causing conflict in their congregations or families. I live in Texas and gave up my career as a pastor so I could speak out about the harm being done by the TX GOP and state officials here.

Here’s my latest article urging more Christians to publicly oppose the bigotry and violence being justified by invoking Jesus’ name: https://www.texasobserver.org/christian-nationalism-texas-pastors/

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So true. It’s mind boggling. Now I understand how the Nazis rose to power.

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Our distinguished Republican governor here in Virginia also made an inappropriate remark about the attack on Paul Pelosi. He is travelling around the country speaking in support of his party's candidates, some of whom are what I call "Trumpty Dumpties." He is doing this because he wants to be a candidate for president in 2024. But he ran for Governor of Virginia as a more moderate candidate. One good thing about Virginia is that our state constitution doesn't allow a governor to serve consecutive terms, so at least we will be rid of him in 2025! He'll have to be out of office for at least four years until he can run again.

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Thank you. As a white, female voter in GA, I realize that my demographic has not done our part to stand up to the rise in authoritarianism we continue to see. Even the huge early voting numbers in GA, despite being majority women voters, are showing that women are not turning out in the same numbers they did for the Senate runoff election in 2021. If the overturning of Roe cannot galvanize us to action, what will?

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Thank you for putting my thoughts into very clear words. In my heart, I have known this was true.

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