I don’t recall hearing any white evangelical Trumpers say anything about the former presidents’ trial in New York, which makes them complicit in his sins.
Many white Christian nationalists have stopped going to church but kept the racism and homophobia and fear of “liberals” that they learned there. They fill the time they used to spend at church listening to hate-filled talk radio and television. Even if they attend the one service a week, that sermon cannot counteract the dozens of hours spent listening to twisted “theology” offered as news and commentary- that is created to appeal to the worst version of themselves, not to call them to be better versions of themselves.
I've perused "God's Politics" here and I have to say I'm disappointed. I know this is off topic but (forgive me if I missed something) but not one word about Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza? It is the moral issue of the moment and yet Jim Wallis had nothing to say about it.
The thought strikes me that you may be looking in the wrong camp to find evangelicals who don't support Trump. We have vacated evangelical churches by the thousands and go by many names like progressive Christians, Disciples of Christ, Unity Christian, Orthodoxy, Episcopal, Methodist and many more. There are those without a good theological base who have become so offended by the evangelical MAGA that they have turned from Christianity all together. When Trump abused supposed interns on television I began to smell the stench, but when I heard his praises sung in church I knew well enough to run and see if I could catch up with Christ.
Sadly it's never been about character, sexual or otherwise, for white evangelicals. Neither has it ever been about abortion. It's ALWAYS been about white power over minorities and women, even over white women.
The scary thing is that I have heard so many claim that the news about his trials have been falsified and that media are lying. Many people are relying on "independent" media sources and unfortunately, the algorithms on social media keep feeding them from similar sources. People have bought into lies and propaganda and seem to not be discerning well who is lying to them and what are truly reliable sources of information and journalism. People are claiming that Trump is stopping the "communist and socialist" who want "big government control" and missing how Trump is about dictatorship and spinning lies. I hope you will address some of these lies. Thanks so much for your astute and well-written articles that address politics and social justice.
Very happy to see the cartoon from Bruce Gerencser and am thankful that it was included in this newsletter. If interested, you can google him. He has an amazing story.
Evangelicals justify their support for Trump by declaring that he ended rovi weighed and is thus stopping the killing of innocent babies. I disagree with them in this, as I am pro choice, but this is the argument they are going to try to make. It's a rather Faustian bargain if you ask me.
Many white Christian nationalists have stopped going to church but kept the racism and homophobia and fear of “liberals” that they learned there. They fill the time they used to spend at church listening to hate-filled talk radio and television. Even if they attend the one service a week, that sermon cannot counteract the dozens of hours spent listening to twisted “theology” offered as news and commentary- that is created to appeal to the worst version of themselves, not to call them to be better versions of themselves.
I've perused "God's Politics" here and I have to say I'm disappointed. I know this is off topic but (forgive me if I missed something) but not one word about Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza? It is the moral issue of the moment and yet Jim Wallis had nothing to say about it.
God bless the students.
The thought strikes me that you may be looking in the wrong camp to find evangelicals who don't support Trump. We have vacated evangelical churches by the thousands and go by many names like progressive Christians, Disciples of Christ, Unity Christian, Orthodoxy, Episcopal, Methodist and many more. There are those without a good theological base who have become so offended by the evangelical MAGA that they have turned from Christianity all together. When Trump abused supposed interns on television I began to smell the stench, but when I heard his praises sung in church I knew well enough to run and see if I could catch up with Christ.
Sadly it's never been about character, sexual or otherwise, for white evangelicals. Neither has it ever been about abortion. It's ALWAYS been about white power over minorities and women, even over white women.
Sorry, I meant Roe V Wade above lol. A lesson for me to never use voice to text on Substack. :)
The scary thing is that I have heard so many claim that the news about his trials have been falsified and that media are lying. Many people are relying on "independent" media sources and unfortunately, the algorithms on social media keep feeding them from similar sources. People have bought into lies and propaganda and seem to not be discerning well who is lying to them and what are truly reliable sources of information and journalism. People are claiming that Trump is stopping the "communist and socialist" who want "big government control" and missing how Trump is about dictatorship and spinning lies. I hope you will address some of these lies. Thanks so much for your astute and well-written articles that address politics and social justice.
That’s because they are hypocrites
Very happy to see the cartoon from Bruce Gerencser and am thankful that it was included in this newsletter. If interested, you can google him. He has an amazing story.
Evangelicals justify their support for Trump by declaring that he ended rovi weighed and is thus stopping the killing of innocent babies. I disagree with them in this, as I am pro choice, but this is the argument they are going to try to make. It's a rather Faustian bargain if you ask me.