Such an important message. Might I recommend that removing any and all partisanship from such posts will stifle resistance to them by any party mentioned in any adverse context? I think it does disservice to the cause to blame one party, and after all the inability of the Blue side to turn down bribes from Big Pharma is certainly as big a threat to American lives (young and ok’d) as is the inability of the Red side to turn down NRA contributions.

Gun Reforms are far too necessary to indulge in politicization. So are pharmaceutical pricing controls. The Money in politics is the obstacle to all the reforms we so desperately need.

We have fallen, serious victims, to false teachers, and we all need to turn to 1 Timothy 6:3-10.

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Amen and Amen, Jim Wallis. The most powerful institution in America, the church, needs to act and use its power to end the massacre of our children. Martin Luther King, Jr, Gandhi, and, oh, Jesus, showed us how. We also need to remember that when we speak of children and teens, many of our military are teens! Maybe if old men stopped recruiting children and teens for war and teaching them to kill a dozen different ways, then actually having them kill, we might have fewer cases of PTSD. Returning thousands of war-trained, gun’dependent, youth back into their communities can’t contribute much to the community’s mental health.

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It makes me want to cry, that a little girl's school became a war zone because an 18 year old was allowed to carry an assault weapon. You're absolutely right: a definition of freedom that allows children to die from gun violence is a distortion of the concept of freedom. No-one in any other part of the developed world envies America that 'freedom'. How incredibly tragic too, that Christians might oppose measures to limit access to guns on that basis.

I live in Australia, and enjoy the freedom my children have to go to school in safety. Children should have freedom from the fear they might not come home. Parents should have that freedom too. We should be putting the lives of our children at the centre of our concerns as Christians. The freedom Christ promises is freedom from sin and condemnation - not a free pass to do as we like. Loving your neighbour means shielding them from harm. Please America, don't let this happens again.

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Yes, Rev Wallis, as Appointed Ambassadors of Gods Kingdom our words certainly matter. However, the words of the One with ALL authority (Jesus) told us to make disciples, baptize ALL nations and to teach others ALL that He taught us- NOT just Micah 6:8 from His 1000 page Holy Book! Surely you learned about Christ’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) in your seminary, right? THOSE were our Christ given priorities, NOT voting for progressive, Swedish style social democrats who do NOT acknowledge or worship Christ. BTW: Only ~ 2% of Scandinavians in historically Lutheran Scandinavia worship Christ today on Sunday. Jesus wants people to worship God in spirit & in truth!

Jesus said the following in Matthew 4:4…

“People shall NOT live by bread alone BUT by EVERY WORD that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

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