Oh Rev. Jim, you have always so eloquently appraised these nightmarish, unjust situations with such a clear, nuanced mind and a heart of such deep empathy and compassion.

We have witnessed over the decades both sides committing such atrocities, with Israel (as usual) now committing far heavier ones in retaliation for the heinous acts of Hamas, which only has minority support among Palestinians.

If only the peace-oriented moderates among Israelis and Palestinians over the past 75+ years had the chance to make policy, instead of the extremists on both sides, we would not have witnessed all these horrors down to today (violence occurring since the turbulent time of the generation preceding the 1948 Nakba).

So many experts have declared that populations on both sides are suffering intensely from PTSD.

If only a Divine miracle could happen to allow for some measure of peace and the commencement of a long-term healing process…..

We pray to the Divine I AM THAT AM, the Self of all selves, for such a miracle….

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Thank you for this very insightful and helpful article - I have shared it with various friends.

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Reverend Jim and Ambassadors of Jesus Christ; what is your opinion of what Trump said in his Rally if I don't win Death and Destruction will come? May God Have Mercy On All Of Us 🙏🙏🙏✝️🗝️🙌❤️

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Hamas's terrorism pales in comparison to the scale and fatalities caused by Israel's slow-motion ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, even just in the last two decades.

You cannot compare the two, in terms of fatalities, or the scale of the horror.

Hundreds of children dismembered by Israeli bombs this week in the name of self defense, and from an army and country that actually has military means. Where is the world's moral outrage?

All of this pales in comparison to rag-tag Hamas's cruelty, as deplorable as it was.

If you cannot see this hierarchy of suffering, one can never find a true solution for the Palestinians.

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This is deceptive propaganda. The Palestinians have grown in numbers all across both Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. At the end of the 1948 civil war Israel started a process of turning all Palestinians (previous combatants included) into what they are now - full citizens, Israeli Arabs. On the other side the West Bank was completely ethnically cleansed of Jews. In the 19 years Egypt and Jordan had Gaza and the West Bank (and didn’t create a Palestinian state) not a single Jew remained where they had lived for centuries, including being the majority in the old city of Jerusalem. Jews weren’t even allowed to enter to pray, despite demands from the UN. These days Hamas gave every ‘progressive’ an example of what a ‘River to the Sea’ genocide and ethnic cleansing of Jews will look like in the Palestinian version of liberation. This is reality, versus your propaganda.

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Pick up a history book. There is consensus in the academic community that modern Israel was built through the dispossession of the Palestinians people. Israel is built on ethnic cleansing, get over it.

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I’m seeing plenty of academics celebrating and justifying the Hamas massacres of both Israelis and Gazans, so we know how moral ‘progressives’ are. Give yourself a propaganda peddling holiday, and watch some videos of what Palestinian liberation looks like according to Palestinians. Stop infantilizing them as if they don’t have agency.

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You literally have a high school level of debating. Stay in school and learn the history. Your crackshot and irrelevant takes are laughable. No one here supports Hamas. Your bias is embarrassing.

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You think highly of yourself, though, and a false confidence is bad for debate too. You didn’t contradict a thing I wrote, facts which are so basic you can confirm them in Wikipedia articles. The propaganda masquerading as books that you’ve read have thrown off your logic.

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Yes, I've studied this history for years. You have not. The fact that Wikipedia is your source says it all. Hilarious. Please get over yourself and do the hard work. The "facts" you laid out are so ahistorical (and besides my original point) that I will not waste my time with you. Feel free to peruse online why Amnesty international calls Israel's treatment of the Palestinians "an apartheid"

Or maybe read up on what Human Rights Watch have to say?


Have you ever wondered why Israel refuses to join the ICC? Probably not.

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