Your description of the mutilation of these precious little bodies reminds me of the horror of Emmet Till. Perhaps America should see that.

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I'm a 71 year old Catholic and have over and over and over again about the evils of abortion. I have yet to hear about the evils of the misuse / hoarding of guns. I believe our culture of death is not rooted in Roe v. Wade, but in gun idolatry

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I agree, and the sad truth is that even many Christians worship guns and Trump, not God. They consider their right to own assault rifles more sacred than children’s lives.

We will not change the minds of the extremists who now dominate the Republican Party. We can vote Republicans out of office and convince moderates to do so by countering the lies Republicans keep repeating, like the claim that more armed guards or teachers will help. Studies prove that the opposite is true, and we must always cite facts to back up our emotional pleas.

I have written a lengthy article about school shootings full of such facts and references to back them up. It is published online and can be read here: https://medium.com/coffee-times/19-more-dead-kids-but-republicans-still-deny-the-need-for-more-restrictive-gun-laws-561b6230be2?sk=b62e29069f91f289e2191ff02fce7fc8

You and anyone else who reads this are welcome to share it, quote from it, or use it in any other way that might help convince more people that we can stop these senseless killings with sensible gun laws that have been proven to reduce deaths, and that such laws are only possible if we vote out the Republicans who refuse to even consider them.

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No one should be allowed to own an AR 15 or any assault weapon. What breaks my heart the most is that the children were unrecognizable so parents DNA was needed to determine who each child who had been brutally murdered was. Assault weapons always kill because they tear into the body and destroy it. If anyone survives an attack by an assault weapon I would be surprised. Those weapons must be banned.

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