Thank you, Jim, for your trenchant observations--as always. I'm actually troubled by the specific theological bent in Biden's words. The reference to the "American creed" and the need to "keep the faith" with "the most powerful idea in the history of the world," to be fought for for the sake of " all time," are surely a crass example of civil religion, in which a political system and its attending practices take on the role of religion. Should this not trouble Christians? Granting divine status to what should be temporal and necessarily experimental ways of organizing human political activity may be part of the problem. None of that lessens my concern for the assault on democracy you so well describe. Thank you.
Jim, I believe you have hit the nail squarely on the head with your writeup. Every American must stand up and join together to turn back the unbelievable threat to our nation. It is clear to me the majority of Americans want our coun try to continue to grow and creat a more just and humane world. The battle was won in 1776, and it appears there is just as critical battle approaching.
Jim, as far as I'm concerned you hit a grand slam with this column. As my fellow Virginian Thomas Jefferson once said, "I tremble for my country when I consider that God is just." To me, the real culprits in this sad situation are those Republicans who know that Donald Trump and the MAGA movement Republicans are a danger to our freedoms, but are willing to go along with their blatant lies in order to save their own careers. If I could say one thing to them, it would be this: "You have a choice to make. You can either choose to save your souls or save your hides, and, if you choose the latter instead of the former, you're going to find out at some point in the future that saving your hides wasn't worth it." Maybe it's time that we start a "MAGA" movement of our own. We can say we are out to "Make America Good Again." Because our biggest problem in this sad time is not a lack of American greatness, but a lack of American goodness.
Thank God for your insight! I am a Canadian, but we’ll aware of the immense elephant next door! I have been watching this appalling situation unfold for six years now, and am astonished at the lengths to which so many Republicans have allowed it to flourish! What did so many of our youths die for if not to protect democracy? Why are all the rules being allowed to be broken with no repercussions?? I’m stymied by it all….and feel that prayer is maybe the only answer…. so I’m on my knees!
The ADL has a list of the Oath Keepers 38,000 of them people from all walks of life! Being elected and in our government an military. I’m glad they’re names are exposed so they can be watched!
Thank you, Jim, for your trenchant observations--as always. I'm actually troubled by the specific theological bent in Biden's words. The reference to the "American creed" and the need to "keep the faith" with "the most powerful idea in the history of the world," to be fought for for the sake of " all time," are surely a crass example of civil religion, in which a political system and its attending practices take on the role of religion. Should this not trouble Christians? Granting divine status to what should be temporal and necessarily experimental ways of organizing human political activity may be part of the problem. None of that lessens my concern for the assault on democracy you so well describe. Thank you.
Jim, I believe you have hit the nail squarely on the head with your writeup. Every American must stand up and join together to turn back the unbelievable threat to our nation. It is clear to me the majority of Americans want our coun try to continue to grow and creat a more just and humane world. The battle was won in 1776, and it appears there is just as critical battle approaching.
Jim, as far as I'm concerned you hit a grand slam with this column. As my fellow Virginian Thomas Jefferson once said, "I tremble for my country when I consider that God is just." To me, the real culprits in this sad situation are those Republicans who know that Donald Trump and the MAGA movement Republicans are a danger to our freedoms, but are willing to go along with their blatant lies in order to save their own careers. If I could say one thing to them, it would be this: "You have a choice to make. You can either choose to save your souls or save your hides, and, if you choose the latter instead of the former, you're going to find out at some point in the future that saving your hides wasn't worth it." Maybe it's time that we start a "MAGA" movement of our own. We can say we are out to "Make America Good Again." Because our biggest problem in this sad time is not a lack of American greatness, but a lack of American goodness.
Sid Rodriguez
Thank God for your insight! I am a Canadian, but we’ll aware of the immense elephant next door! I have been watching this appalling situation unfold for six years now, and am astonished at the lengths to which so many Republicans have allowed it to flourish! What did so many of our youths die for if not to protect democracy? Why are all the rules being allowed to be broken with no repercussions?? I’m stymied by it all….and feel that prayer is maybe the only answer…. so I’m on my knees!
The ADL has a list of the Oath Keepers 38,000 of them people from all walks of life! Being elected and in our government an military. I’m glad they’re names are exposed so they can be watched!