Thx, Jim. It was a privilege in the late 70's to make Ron's Acquaintance, and that of his community as you shared your friendship with him with others of us. Blessed are all they who rest in Christ.

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Thanks Jim for this tribute. Ron's book was life changing to many of us in Leeds, UK. One of the effects was to set up a justice education charity called Aslan. Just 4 days ago 5 of those deeply involved in the 80s had an impromptu reunion at Greenbelt Christian Arts Festival, remembering Ron with affection.

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My contribution to Ron's vision was to edit and publish Richard J. Foster's new book back then, Freedom of Simplicity. It was my way and Richard's of extending Ron's vision. Thanks for your tribute.

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Wow! Thank you, Rev. Jim, for your beautiful sharing about dear Ron--yes a true servant-disciple entirely dedicated to enacting Jesus' profound Social Gospel and message "Love one another as I have loved you..."

I was deeply moved by your words!

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Thanks for a fitting tribute Jim . Blessings from South Africa

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