Now that the Republican Convention is over, it is time for Democrats to "flip the ticket" and come together around a Harris-Biden ticket. Let's elect our first black woman President and let's encourage Joe to lend a hand. The Biden-Harris ticket garnered over 81 million votes in 2020. A Harris-Biden ticket can do the same.


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It's good to read about an event that the mass media seems unaware of.

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When has the USA people become a nation of people who admire LIARS and prefer leaders who love LYING AND TELLING LIES. LYING AND TELLING LIES are opposite of TRUTH AND TRUTH TELLING> Scripture tells us clearly that LYING AND TELLING LIES are abomination to GOD. (Provers 6 vv. 16-19). Don't you know Satan the devil is personified as LYING AND TELLING LIES (John 8 v. 44). On the other hand and in stark contrast Jesus the Christ is TRUTH personified (John 14 v. 6) Therefore ALL Republicans who are Trump followers and worshippers and Trump himself are subjugated to Satan? They are opposed to the TRUTH. This means that in LYING AND TELLING LIES, they are denying Jesus the Christ. They have no portion in Jesus the Christ. Jesus described Satan as the father of LIES Thanks for your explanation of MAGA in your article. I pray many more Blacks will understand the danger of supporting Trump and MAGA.

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Thank you for the recap of T’s speech. Personally, I could not listen to all the rhetoric that was coming out in earlier reports from the Republican cult convention. What I did notice is that the wolf was draping its self in sheep’s clothing. Pulling the wool over the eyes and ears of all who looked and listened. Obviously Donald’s hard-heart has not changed. Republicans, what is for your dinner? You are eating: respect for the other, human diversity, freedom of choice and education, equality… and for dessert: Democracy sprinkled with trust.

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The juxtaposing values of those at the conference and of Trump is clear. But I think you went awry when you described a clear moral choice between the two duopoly parties. The Democratic Administration has been directly complicit in a major genocide. It continues its proxy war with Russia, cynically sacrificing Ukrainian lives and infrastructure - while the Ukrainian government there has become increasingly autocratic. Biden has tried to compete with Trump in being anti-immigration, such as by refusing to implement the internationally recognized right to asylum, and his xenophobic America First policies, which have angered allies who were hurt by his cutting their EVs from subsidies.

On global climate change, Biden claims to be on the right side, but the net effect of his policies is clearly anti-environmental. His policies have resulted in the highest U.S. fossil fuel production ever and it is projected to continue to increase through at least 2030. We are not only not meeting global climate change reduction goals but are going in the opposite direction. Some of his America First and corporatist polices are specifically anti-environmental, notably his jacking the tariff rate on China's EVs and solar panels to 100%, while leaving all the other tariff rates the same. The result is to prevent EVs and solar housing from being affordable to those of modest means. He is punishing China for leading the way in this area.

The Democrats are not a moral alternative to the Republicans.

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The Democrats are a lesser of two evils...It's lesser-evilism.

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