Dear Jim,

I've been reading your work for a long time. Thank you for your hours of work and dedication.Thank God for your writings of truth.

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Blessings on your writing. I know it will be a great contribution in our struggle to save our democarcy and our humanity.

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Thank you, and I will read your book as soon as I can get one. Take care.

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Cherry blossoms are out in February in Vancouver.

Hope you'll be back then. We need your prophetic presence.

Walter Quiring.

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Jim, thank you for all you do. Looking forward to your next book!

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So glad you are writing about this topic! Thank you.

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Thank you very much enjoyed reading your columns. Good Luck with your book.

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Looking forward to the book - in the meantime, blessings to you.

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Thanks Jim. Let us know when book comes out!

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Hi Jim, Its so refreshing hearing your Christian perspective in Australia, we are under attack from our own brand of US style white Christian nationalists here. This is particularly pointed now as we approach a referendum this year on an Aboriginal Voice to parliament. The Australian Christian Lobby model themselves on your white Christian nationalists, arguing that the Aboriginals are pagan and therefore can't be trusted to be recognised in our Constitution. Your book will have relevance here, the '51st state', thank you.


Shannon Davey

author of 'Disover the Spirit of Tasmania'

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Go to it Jim! Books are tumbling out on Christian Nationalism. I look forward to reading more than angry denunciations.

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All the best Jim. Look forward to your return

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May your words flow freely. I look forward to reading.

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You are one of God's special people and I am grateful for Sojouners and your writings since you left there. Please be aware of the prayers being offered for you. Sr. Alphonsa,IHM

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