When has LYING and TELLING LIES become fashionable here in the USA?

When has it become a thing for which to be proud to be LYING and TELLING LIES?

Are we honestly teaching our children to engage in LYING and TELLING LIES?

Can you imagine the damage that has already been done to our children for generations to come?

When have conservatives become LIARS and TELLERS OF LIES?

Why have evangelicals become front-runners in the cult of LYING and TELLING LIES?

Why have evangelicals become silent and unable to condemn LYING and TELLING LIES?

What reward is there for those who embrace the cult of LYING and TELLING LIES?

Jesus the Christ is TRUTH (John 14 v. 6).

Telling the TRUTH is obedience and service to Jesus the Christ.

To be a true Christian, TRUTH and TRUTH TELLING must be central to one’s lifestyle.

LYING and TELLING LIES are direct opposite of TRUTH and TELLING TRUTH.

Satan the devil is a LIAR and is the father of LIES/LIARS

LYING and TELLING LIES are the language of Satan the devil (see John 8 v. 44)

Along with the political leaders, Trump got his “base” to proclaim him as the winner of the election that he lost by over 7 million votes. The “ base” of Trump supporters are the white supremacists and Neo Nazism believers who LIE and TELL LIES as a lifestyle and they HATE all minority people groups. They are in total opposition to Jesus the Christ who is TRUTH personified. This is the group that support banning freedom of choice (in ALL forms). The word of GOD in the Holy Bible proclaim and permits CHOICE not banning of CHOICE. The “base” is pro-autocracy and dictatorship. They hate democratic form of government. They praise and worship what Adolf Hitler did to the Jews. In fact, they denied that 6 million Jews were annihilated by Hitler. They supported Trump’s LIES and when they saw that the Republican legislators and voters also supported Trump, they were emboldened to publicly express their evil lifestyle of LYING and TELLING LIES, hatred for minority people groups, their misinformation peddling and conspiracy, their turning their backs on GOD, their antisemitism. These behaviors they used to practice underground, because the public rejected them and their lifestyles. But with Trump as president, they were emboldened and are now publicly proclaiming themselves as legitimate groups with the approval of Trump and the Republican party. The group of white supremacists has been growing and there are over 85 of them now in existence. They include the KKK, Qanon, Proud boys, Three Percenters, etc. They believe that the minority people groups are polluting and diluting the “whiteness” of the USA. They propose this as the “danger of replacing of the whites”. This generates fear in the white population, and so the white people of the USA are moved to hate the minority population groups. Anyone who supports the truth and insists on enforcing the truth is considered an enemy. Two cases in point were Congresswoman Liz Cheney and Congressman Kizzinger who saw the evidence and held onto and upheld the TRUTH when former president Trump was impeached. Both stood up for the TRUTH and the Republican party that rejected the TRUTH voted to remove the two from their leadership roles in the Party. In other word, the Republican party legislators and voters are in collusion with Trump’s LIES to the point of being averse to the TRUTH. The Republicans used to be known as the party of Christian men and women, but they no longer can claim allegiance to Jesus the Christ, because they embrace the lifestyle of LYING and TELLING LIES along with Trump and as I just proved, people who live on LYING and TELLING LIES are in service and obedience to Satan.

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Full agreement with your post and also think the Study Guide is much needed and will be well received.

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