"There is much debate about whether the United States is a Democracy or a Republic. My answer is Yes. Whether a Republic or a Democracy, whether we are Republican or Democrat, we elect people to represent us, not to rule us. George Washington understands this when he declines to run a third term. I am not sure, however, whether our current President does." From https://jonathanbrownson.substack.com/p/17f?r=gdp9j

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Thank you SO much for your previous recommendation to use Lectio 365 to stay grounded in these upside down times. My wife and I credit it for preventing us from completely losing our minds and filling our hearts with darkness.

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Keep up the great work, brother! The times have indeed become hard and exceedingly wicked. Take care. G.

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Reaching out to those who view events differently is critical to achieve the goal of bringing a sense of cooperation into being. Peace, love and harmony is an outcome , like of a shower, in which both extremes of temperature are merged together to create the bliss of warm water. We must honor both extremes in order to obtain their cooperation in the mergence. No longer is a debate of the issues effective. We must reach into the desire to live our core values of our innate goodness shared intuitively by all people.

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Very very tall order - but worth the strenuous effort to find a way toward this solution

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Please let us know how we can be of help to Canada.

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