I thought that the assault on truth and the rule of law would ease up after Trump was voted out of office. I was wrong. The Supreme Court decision is made up out of thin air. The opinion is literally unconstitutional. The Supreme Court opinion is especially egregious. The Senate refused to convict Trump during the impeachment when he could be held accountable. At every turn, the checks and balances the founders thought they were putting into place have been nullified.

I am praying for Joe Biden. I do not think that people can rightly call for him to step aside when Donald Trump is the nominee of the cult. Do I wish Joe Biden were younger? Yes! But I will vote for a decent old man over an old criminal psychopath and the evil entourage he would bring with him.

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Incisive as always, Jim. Thank you!

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You speak the truth and encourage us to not waver but to do and vote to stand up for justice and democracy. Thank you for your message - I pray people read it and vote for the common good and for the life of freedom, justice and equality for all.

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Sadly you are right and I see no way for Biden to make up the debate debacle as the videos of it remain active. We need a younger more vibrant and strong candidate and if Biden will put country over power, and today is a good day to do it, then our chances improve

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Were the font bigger & bolder and the background white, not beige, it would cause less eye strain to read these valuable observations.

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Thank you Jim Wallis and thanks to all my church school friends at Penney Farms Retirement Center in Penney Falls Florida. My husband died there and I returned to the scene of its NC State Baptist Convention as a home missionary in the integration of African Baptist and Southern Baptist ministries pursued for Democratic recognition of both church and public school integration services. Unfortunately, his professional legacy was upended by the then beginning 2025 goal tending of which we are aware at the present time.

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What we saw in the debate was an old man who stutters and an old man who lies...CNN estimated one lie every 100 seconds. Lying has become Trump's native language and we don't even blink. (John 8:44)

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Jim, why are you such a lone voice among prominent White Evangelicals? It makes you wonder if other pastors and priests would encourage their flock to vote for any Republican nominee, even if it was Hitler. Please ask exactly where is Jesus in the Republican Party platform? Silence. Oh, cut taxes so more is available for the Sunday collection plate. Oh, that's right. Keep asking, please, and airing their responses. Historians will want to know.

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